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Distributor wanted!

Please contact Hesmor GmbH sales@hesmor.de for Germany, other Europe, North America, South America and the rest of the world.

For Asia Pacific region, Please contact Hesmor APAC Office sales.ap@hesmor.com


Germany and other Europe
Hesmor GmbH
Zedernweg 7 D-52076 Aachen
Tel: +49-2408-146000-0
Fax: +49-2408-146000-22

North America
Saddle Brook Controls
280 North Midland Ave
Saddle Brook N.J. 07663
Phone: 201-794-9588
Fax : 201-791-0393
Website: www.saddlebrookcontrols.com

Asia Pacific

Hesmor Asia Pacific Office
Room 319, Tower 1, German Centre, 88 keyuan Rd, Shanghai 201203, China
Tel: +86 21-50276255
Fax: +86 21-50276258
E-mail: sales.ap@hesmor.com
Website: www.hesmor.com